Bitcoin Bullish News- The Beginning of the Climb

Bitcoin's pounding during the multi-year bear market of 2018-2019 has burdened even the biggest enthusiasts with doubt. Bitcoin has been trading sideway for a few weeks and is sitting solidly above $3,500. There are many bullish indicators...

6 years ago, comments: 1, votes: 22, reward: $0.31

Bitcoin's pounding during the multi-year bear market of 2018-2019 has burdened even the biggest enthusiasts with doubt. Bitcoin has been trading sideway for a few weeks and is sitting solidly above $3,500. There are many bullish indicators for the asset, and I am excited for 2019 to unfold.

Some good news for Bitcoin bulls:

Wyoming is stepping up to the plate, and is the first state to fully protect the legal right of Bitcoin as property. Expect to see further expansion of cryptocurrency property rights, which is good news for the sector:

Approximately 150 people have purchased pizza last month using Bitcoin's Lightning Network! The Lightning Network effectively solves the scalability problem Bitcoin has by storing transactions that have happened over a period of time and putting them onto the blockchain as one transaction. This enables small purchases like candy and pizza to become a reality with Bitcoin:

Speaking of the Lightning Network, Square, the mobile purchase company will begin utilizing this service soon! Jack Dorsey spoke about utilizing the Network to speed up Bitcoin transactions. With the popularity of Square, this is amazing news:

The SEC is reviewing a Bitcoin ETF right now! In 45-days, we could see it hit the stock exchange and grant more liquidity and exposure to Bitcoin! This is long awaited, and great news. NASDAQ Bitcoin futures will launch soon too. More volume means a higher price by supply and demand:

This is great news for cryptocurrency bulls. I am optimistic about 2019, and am holding fast.