Making a 5-Year Life Plan: 7-steps
I recently turned 34-years old, and am very happy with where I am in life. I am a husband, father, home owner, professional and cryprocurrency blogger.
I like to make 5-year plans, and have been doing so ever since my my 20's. A birthday is a great time to take stock of your position in life, where you want to improve and where you want your life to go next. As a man with a family, their input is essential as well. Here are the steps of self-reflection and planning I take when making a 5-year plan:
Where am I now? Where would I like to go?
What are my interests, passions and skills? How can I improve those skills and become a master?
What do I want to improve upon that will take 5-years? Less than 5-years?
What steps can I take to do better? How can I fix a frayed edge?
What are my weaknesses that I am willing to put time and effort to correcting at the root cause?
What can I build in 5-years?
Where will my children, spouse and life be in 5-years? What can I do to help and foster them?
Each answer must be timely, have a distinct end or finishing point and must be measurable.
What are your goals? Where would you like to be in 5-years?