STEEM on Chinese Government CCID Hot-List

STEEM on Chinese Government Hot-List STEEM was ranked in the top-10 most promising cryptocurrencies on the...

6 years ago, comments: 2, votes: 22, reward: $0.43


STEEM on Chinese Government Hot-List

STEEM was ranked in the top-10 most promising cryptocurrencies on the Chinese CCID report. EOS and Ethereum took top honors on the list. A link to the list is found in the sources section below.

The STEEM blockchain supports the robust STEEM ecosystem, and STEEM took CCID slot number 2 last year. The fall from #2 to #9 is slightly upsetting, but placing in the top 10 is an achievement.

STEEM's price fell from $6 to $0.2 in 2018, which gave us the opportunity to accumulate thousands of coins for cheap as the ecosystem grew. STEEM supports Steemit, Steem Monsters and now Drug Wars, which are all amazing Dapps.

What do you think about this? STEEM fell on the list from #2 to #9. If STEEM returns to its all time high, many users will have house downpayments in their Steemit accounts.
